Bubbling Ponds Preserve

Bubbling PondsDescription: This site (page Springs Fish Hatchery and Bubbling Ponds) is built and operated by The Arizona Game and Fish Department and is open to the public. There are several open ponds which are favorite spots for Great Blue Herons and a multitude of ducks. On the other side of the Fish Hatchery is Bubbling Ponds which is an Audubon Bird Sanctuary that is just as interesting as the ponds. The Bird Sanctuary is lined with old Cottonwood and Sycamore trees which support a rich diversity of riparian bird species. Both of these sites are parts of the Lower Oak Creek  Important Bird Area (IBA) sites listed with the Northern Arizona Audubon Society.

Administrative Agency: Arizona Game and Fish Dept.

Restrictions and fees: There are no fees.

Elevation: 3524′

Ease of road access: Ample parking is provided just off the Page Springs Road

Ease of hiking access:  Both the trails around the ponds and the trails within the bird sanctuary are flat and well-maintained. These are walks; not hikes. Find this on our map: Interactive Map

How to Get There:

Non-bird Interests: Fish watching.

Parking facilities: Free parking is accessed from the road. Frequency of use by public Use: Moderate to low use. Low birding activity.
eBird Species List: Click Here Non-bird Interests: Fish watching
Az Game and Fish Page:    Click Here Page Springs Site Map:   Click Here

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