An Interactive Map of the Verde Valley

Please click on the map image on the right here. It will take you Google Earth and an interactive map. You will see all the birding hot spots on this website and you can click to each site as you wish. The section of the Verde River Valley that this entire map covers is approximately 32 miles long. Several major tributaries feed into it, and these are: Sycamore Creek, Oak Creek, and Clear Creek.

The entire Verde River is 192 miles long and is one of Arizona’s last free-flowing rivers. The Verde River system is, of course, a corridor of lush riparian habitat and it this riparian habitat that accounts for a terrific density and diversity of avian species.

Of course, the best time of year to “come and bird the Verde” is Spring when the Cottonwood/Willow/Sycamore vegetation have freshly leafed out and the birds display in their territories

Please use the “box” in the upper right to expand this map.

Each site is opened by clicking on its red circle with the binocular in it. Once clicked, you will see the clickable link to that site’s details.


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