Birding Binoculars : Do They Seem Heavy On Your Neck?

What is the one thing you always see a birder wearing? Well, besides shoes. That’s right! Birders all wear binoculars or some form of optical equipment. If birds behaved well and sat on your finger, a birder could save a lot of money, but that’s just not how it works. So, let’s talk about the most common piece of optics – the binoculars.  More to the point let’s think about comfort.

Binocular Carry Harness
Binocular Carry Harness

Most binoculars come equipped with the usual neck strap. This is fine in cold weather if you are wearing something with a thick collar. But if you just have a shirt, that strap gets rather uncomfortable after a while. One solution is let someone else carry your optics, but that might not be the foundational basis of a friendship.

Happily, there is a common and inexpensive way of carrying your binoculars that is very comfortable. Presenting the Carry Harness. You have probably seen these on many birders who still practice that upright stance of your ancestors. These are easily found on the internet or by using the banner link provided below. They cost very little. They are worth a great deal.

A fine point here is the height with which you adjust the straps. I like to keep my binoculars high so they don’t bounce around as I walk. You might prefer a low rider. Be aware that the elastic will stretch over time. I find myself replacing my harness every two years or so. It’s cheaper than a bottle of aspirin.

Here is a great hike and great place to try out your new harness: Bubbling Ponds

Learn more about birding binoculars here: Cornell Lab of Ornithology


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